KY-Sen: NRSC backs Bunning

Uh, why?

From Politico:

A noteworthy development in the Kentucky Senate race: National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman John Cornyn said — for the first time — that the committee will be endorsing Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.), if he runs for re-election.

Cornyn told the Washington Post’s Ben Pershing yesterday that Bunning has the full support of the committee.

“As long as he is running, I will be supportive of him,” Cornyn told the Post.

Full story:…

The question in my mind is, how much pull does the NRSC have anymore – especially in relation to a whole lot of exasperated Kentuckians? I guess we can only hope and pray that its enough to drag his sorry butt across the finish line in the primary.

2 thoughts on “KY-Sen: NRSC backs Bunning”

  1. maybe this means that Bunning has chosen to retire so the NRSC can finally say things like this?

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